kate williams photography

Yellowstone National Park
I recently went on a family vacation to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park, home of some of the most active and beautiful wildlife that North America has to offer. We were constantly pulling over to snap shots of bison, ospreys, black bears, and elk. It was a game to see how many bears we could see in one day. These are just a few of my favorite shots. Shooting the hot springs were my favorite due to the almost florescent colors. We covered all of the bases while being there for over a week. One thing I love about my family is our mutual appreciation for our nations immaculate national parks.
Malibu Club, Canada
I had the amazing opportunity to visit the Young Life Camp, Malibu Club not long ago. This place is safe haven for high school kids to come and check out of their hectic lives back home and just enjoy a week in the mountains with one another. The week was packed with activities and long talks on the porch, but in between the excitement I managed to slip away and snap a few shots. Enjoy this Canadian slice of heaven.

Olympic National Park
Our campout adventure began on an early Friday morning when my dedicated hiking buddies ventured out to one of the most coveted camping sites in all of Washington, Deer Creek Campground. They took off work to stake their claim on the best spot and sure enough we managed to snag one of twelve in the site. I drove up a little later due to a work meeting and found myself treking up the side of the mountain in my corolla. I must say I was proud when I stumbled upon my friends right before dark. Things would have gotten a bit sticky due to lack of cell service. Our other friends were not so lucky. They made it up just barely around midnight with a flat tire. Fortunately I had pump and Mike had a plug to fix it. Who knew we were going to be making repairs 12,000ft up. We took it easy that evening staring at this beautiful few just steps away from where we would lay our heads at night. The next day we went on a hike that overlooked the Port Angeles all the way to the water front. We went a little off the beaten trail and made way for ourselves to the top in record time. We also ventured to Dungeness National Wildlife Reserve, where I got a few shots of the lighthouse I was dying to see. It was overall a bomb trip with great company, being unplugged and off the grid with some good ‘ole fashion mountain air.

The Skagit Tulip Festival
The Skagit Tulip festival was quite literally carpets and carpets of tulips of all types scattered on a northern Washington countryside. I went with a few of my dearest friends, Kate and Cale, two non-natives that also enjoy shooting the Pacific North West in all of its glory. We spent a few hours walking in between the long rows of flowers admiring such rare beauty and top the day off with our favorite burger and beer combo at the Skagit River Brewery.

California Coast
I went a little soul searching trip to the California coast a few weeks back. I was determined to learn how to surf and after doing some homework, Santa Cruz turned out to be the best location to gain a surfing education. I spent about two weeks in the Bay Area visiting friends and family. It was full of slow mornings, sand-filled afternoons and white wine evenings. Some of my favorite moments were waking up to the wind chimes outside of my cousin’s bungalow then making some espresso to jumpstart my next venture to the coast. I’ve always loved California, but now I feel an even stronger connection to it’s rocky coasts and easy going people. I can honestly say that driving down the Pacific Coast Highway to find more lighthouses was one of the most beautiful and photogenic areas of the country I or my camera have ever witnessed. I have no doubt I will be returning shortly to test the waters yet again.

Cape Disappointment
I make it a point to travel and shoot anytime I am not sitting at my desk. So, naturally on my way back from Portland this past weekend, I found myself here. I have a thing for lighthouses, and there are quite a few lining the Oregon and Washington Coast. When I have time while on a road trip, I look up the closest lighthouse and see where my map takes me. I ended up here, not disappointed in the slightest because there were two beautiful beacons of light that I had to work for to find. Some lighthouses are a simple drive and park and you're there, others you have to hike/trudge through the mud/jump a few fences/ barter oyesters for. My fist time lighthouse hunting I almost gave up, but I am glad I stuck with it. Walking over two miles in my tall black boots was well worth it. I made friends with a couple that was my only company on the coast that cold evening. They took my picture after I simply pointed to the coast as my explanation for moving half way across the country. They didn't blame me. Enjoy sweet dissappointment

I spent a month this past summer studying abroad in what I am convienced, is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The colors were so vibrant, the people dynamic and the cultue so rich. I have a blog that I wrote about my experiences here, but I have these pictures to show you. I was that girl carrying her heavy camera around with her everywhere, but my fellow students didn't mind because they were the constant subjects of my passion and it got them out of having to take pictures for their parents. I am glad I was "that girl" because this place was so unique and photogenic. I felt like everytime I rounded a corner, I was taking my lens cap off to capture some sunset or smile. I spent some of my happiest days of my life here amoungst good people and what seemed to be a modern utopia. While I was here I searched for God everywhere and He wasn't easy to find, but I found him hidden in the hearts of my closest friends and His creation. Hopefully you will see him too, as I tried to captue it all. Carley, my best friend and study abroad partner in crime, are undoubtly going back, probably when we have families and people to share our advientures with. Needless to say, I would consider this trip to be one of the most valuable experences of my life. I am forever greatful for the stories attached to these landmarks, white houses, and rocky beaches. Every now and then I have a flashback, a taste, or an accent that reminds me of that month of my life. I left part of my heart there that I intend on reclaiming.

Great Britain / France
My dad and I are very different. However, we bond on our love for history, walking fast, and visiting places we have read about.Having a British father, My dad has always wanted to visit where his dad grew up. So, we planned a trip to meet up with some family friends and get a grand tour of Great Britian. Packing light, we flew on planes, traveled on trains, and "minded the gap" when stepping off of the infamous Tube in London. Around every corner, I learned more about my dad, my dad learned more about his dad and we learned more about how the world works. This knowledge was priceless.After spending a week galavanting around London, seeing shows,drinking dark ales and perfecting our British accent's we boarded a ferry for France for our next adventure. There we attended the 70th anniversary D-Day festivities. My dad and I were geeking out in more ways the one. Having a distant relative that fought in D-Day, I realized that I wouldn't be alive it hadn't been for this dreadful blood bath. Walking the beaches of Normandy, I watched men weep over their lost brothers and an event that happened 70 years ago, defining the rest of their lives. It was then that war finally started making sense to me. I have struggled with the idea of war for years and now. I managed to come to the conclusion that people need to beleive in something much bigger than themselves. They need to live and die for it.
Frontier ​​Ranch, Colorado
Every year, the ministry I was involved wih Young Life, travels to Colorado to work at a camp for a week. We beautify the property to ready it for campers. The camp is located on the side of a mountain just outside of Buena Vista, Colorado at about 9.000 feet. My Young Life team looked foward to this trip every year for obvious reasons. You get to spend a week in the mountains with your best friends serving God alongside one another. We drive there, then perform manual labor for hours on end. It all adds up to a lot of bonding time and a lot of laughter. This year was special, however. About an hour after our arrival a storm came covering the camp in a blanket of soft, white, fluffy snow. This postponed our work for a while, but provided a perfect opportunity for pictures since we don't get a lot of powder in Texas. Frontier Ranch has a special place in my heart because I worked there for 6 weeks last summer. For this reason, I am very familiar with the camp grounds and knew exactlly where I was headed to take some nature shots. I reconnected with favorite spots on camp and got to capture them covered in snow. I had to pull my camera down from my face several times, simply because I was in awe of God's beauty. He blessed me immensly by providing a time that I got to take pictures of a place so near and dear to my heart. I am forever grateful. These pictures are from the journey to and fro and my rondevu spots with Jesus.